Otro Yo Ver is a hybrid video work that mixes archives, 3D and Photogrammetry,
where narration and montage have a great importance in the development of the
work and the narrative.
This project germinates from sensations that only the audiovisual world can sustain. Visually palpable formats that invite to enter the created world, to connect
with it in an intimated and personal way.
When we think of yesterday, dreams and loneliness are yours,
while shared moments remain in the collective memory. A
solitary walk in nature becomes a dream in your memory? It
happened just like what you dreamt last night. It passes to the
same plane in our mind. No one can access these moments
stored in memory, only us and nature. This story is about an
escape, a decay and an awakening to transformation. A visit to
solitude and daydreams.
2023 Amsterdam- Screened at Y Ónde Kea El Cine? En Andalú Film Festival, Sevilla, Spain. Nov 23
- Exhibited at Ellipsis Gallery, Amsterdam. “All I Want You To Do Is Sew Me Up Again” Exhibition 6, 7, 8 Oct 23’
- Exhibited at NeverNeverLand Gallery, Amsterdam. - “PARA-SITTING” Exhibition 1 April 2 23’